Bountiful Brookline

trash can

Have you ever walked into a grocery store and been struck by the pristine and uniform fruits and vegetables – not a blemish or misshapen piece in the bunch? How different from what you might grow in your garden… there is something wrong with this picture.



Wonder where all the excess ends up? What we learned was in the US alone 40% of our food ends up uneaten in the trash.  We all need food and, given that in America nearly 20% go hungry, Bountiful Brookline decided it was an important story that needed to be shared. Our Food Day event – presents “Just Eat It”, a food waste story and panel discussion to look at our systemic obsession with expiry dates, perfect produce and portion sizes, and to address the core of this seemingly insignificant issue that is having devastating consequences around the globe.

Since our founding in 2009, Bountiful Brookline has successfully created and led community programming with local partners, to initiate and support local food growing and access throughout Brookline and beyond.  As a community forum – this public event and other current efforts will enable Bountiful Brookline to continue to be a vital resource to Inform, inspire and impact growing settings and solutions for local food.


To learn more visit us @ and sign up for our newsletter.

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